Once In A Life Time, Once-a-Day
We all experience it. The feeling of doing something that so few people have ever done that you will be able to brag and talk about it even to your grand kids. We are lucky if we experience this once every few years or even just a few times during our lives.
Maui, Hawaii is a unique place. It is in the middle of the Pacific ocean, part of the united states and is accessible to anyone in just a few short hours of travel. You don't need a passport to get here and you can stay as long as you like. The greatest part though is that it is absolutely nothing like the continental US.
When you boil it down it is one of the only ways to escape everyday life without leaving the country. More importantly you can experience these "once in a life time" moments on a daily basis, so if you stay for a week expect seven unforgettable experiences.
Lets start by getting into a few of things you can do, that I guarantee you will never forget.
Sunrise On A Dormant Volcano
Maui is in the tropics, it is always present but with elevation comes the cold. You wake up one morning, well before the break of dawn, after arriving to Maui, throw on some shorts and a t shirt, jump in the car and start heading up to the top of Haleakala (Maui's dormant volcano.) Once you get to the top (at 4:00 in the morning) you realize it is 50 degrees and you're cold! Soon after you're ready to get back in the car you see the sun start to peek into the sky. The sky explodes into colors you have never seen before and now the cold seems to only amplify the different shades of red, yellow orange and blue! The drive back down is exhausting, but I guarantee you won't forget this day.
Diving With Sea Turtles
The next morning you get up and head over to Polo Beach on the south shore of Maui in Kihei. You have already rented some snorkel gear and are ready to jump into the water. The water is calm because it is still early and you start swimming out, not far, only for about four minutes. The water gets deep but it is clean and clear as ever, you see reef and fish everywhere! Seconds later you see an enormous turtle out of nowhere cursing along the bottom of the reef. Seems too easy doesn't it? We have tons of turtles here, there is even a popular dive spot known as "Turtle Town." These creatures are some of the most amazing animals to swim with and to see in the wild.
There are two events that you will never forget. We haven't even started talking about hiking in to a rainforest's to jump off an ancient waterfall or driving through a barren lava field to snorkel where you can hear whales singing underwater. No matter how long you stay on Maui you can experience an unforgettable event everyday of your stay with little or no effort. More importantly you don't have to pay anyone to do any of this.
Check out tons of pictures of Maui before you come. It is better to know what to expect so you can plan your vacation. Know exactly what you want to do before you get here! Also to see the picture of the giant sea turtles I talked about be sure to check out LegalMaui.
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